ELCA | http://www.elca.org/ ELCA EAST CENTRAL SYNOD OF WISCONSIN - ECSW | http://ecsw.org/ ACADEMY OF PARISH CLERGY | http://www.apclergy.org/ LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES | https://www.lsswis.org/LSS.htm ORPHAN GRAIN TRAIN | http://www.ogt.org/ HABITAT FOR HUMANITY | https://www.habitat.org/ CHURCH WORLD SERVICE | https://cwsglobal.org/ THE WISCONSIN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES | http://www.wichurches.org/ VIBRANT FAITH AT HOME | http://www.vibrantfaithathome.org/ WAUSHARA COUNTY FOOD PANTY | https://www.wausharacountyfoodpantry.org/ COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS PROJECT https://www.co.waushara.wi.us/newsview.aspx?nid=6069 SALVATION ARMY | https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ BETHANY HOME | https://bethanyripon.org/ CROSSWAYS CAMP | https://www.crosswayscamps.org/ ADOPT A HIGHWAY | https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/doing-bus/real-estate/roadsides/adopt-hwy/default.aspx WORLD DAY OF PRAYER | https://worlddayofprayer.net/index.html LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF | https://lwr.org/ FAIR TRADE INTERNATIONAL | https://www.fairtrade.net/ WORLD HUNGER RELIEF | https://www.worldhungerrelief.org/#home MISSIONARY SUPPORT SERVICES | http://www.missionary-support-services.org/